Chew's MLB Stats

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Chew's MLB Stats is a sub-section of dedicated to statistics from Major League Baseball (MLB)'s stats API. It is available via the short-link


The page, much like other sub-sections of, are designed to fully wrap any accessible parts of the API and display the data in specific ways. Currently, there are pages to breakdown individual games, all teams, individual teams, specific day schedules, drafts, home run derbies, as as well as some various information on the home page.

Home Page

The home page consists of several but not detailed breakdowns of the current day's: birthdays, games, home runs, and standings.

Game Page

Upon going to a game page, accessible by clicking the "Game Status" for an in-progress, final, suspended, or in warmup game, you will see a massive breakdown of several things. Notably, events (commonly referred to as plate appearances) as well as the individual play events (typically pitches). There are also other places to show breakdowns of other things, such as batting and pitching breakdown.


At the top of the page, a simple overview of the game is presented. The away team, home team, and the current date are at the very top, each with a hyperlink to the respective breakdown (teams and schedule for that day, respectively).

Below, the following information is available:

  • Game Status, either the inning if in-progress or "Final" if done.
  • The score.
  • The game summary, typically the current status ("The [winning team] is leading the [losing team] [winning score] * [losing score] at the [top/bottom] of the [inning ordinal].") or, if the game is over ("The [winning team] beat the [losing team], [winning score] - [losing score].")
  • The game decisions, typically the winning and losing pitcher, as well as the save, if applicable, once the game is over.

Box Score

This section has the entire box score info for the game. There's no special changes to the tables and data; however, the game info is humanized. For example, "T" is replaced with "Duration" to represent the games' duration.

Notable Events

A simple breakdown of any notable events. Currently tracked are immaculate innings, perfect games, no hitters, and batting for the cycle.


A more detailed scorecard, allowing to be switched to show the scorecard for runs, hits, errors, and left on base (LOB).

Plays Table of Contents

A breakdown of every inning plays, including game advisories such as "Injury Delay" or pitching changes. This simply shows a summary of the play itself, with a hyperlink to view a full breakdown. Game advisories are shown with italics, and do not have a hyperlink. Plays in bold are scoring plays.


The full breakdown of every play, with the following information, as well:

  • The event result (such as "Single", "Strikeout", etc).
  • The score at the time of the play.
  • How many outs (if the play incurred an out, a "+x" is included to indicate how many outs resulted from the play).
  • The duration of the play (which may be inaccurate).
  • The win probability. This is calculated through MLB.

Below these, there are the play events. Any plays that result in a ball are green, any plays that result in a strike are red, any pick-off attempts are gray, and any in play balls are blue. As usual, scoring plays, in addition to being "In play, run(s)" are bold.

Below that are position changes. Gray indicate the runner simply moved bases. Red means the runner was on base, but got out. Blue means the runner scored.

Below that, in the footer of the card, is the current pitcher. In the case of the pitcher being changed out during the play, this will only show the relief pitcher.

Umpire Blunders

This section analyzes every pitch an umpire decided. The only factored-in ones are "Ball" and "Called Strike". The strike zone is calculated as well as the ball's position, all coming from MLB's data API. The function to check this is on GitHub.

A ball is assumed to be 1.437 inches in diameter, and calculations are based on this. As a result, some strike calls may be 0.003 inches out of the zone, but still be marked as inaccurate. It's currently unknown if MLB actually factors this in or not. According to a simple check, sites like Umpire Scorecards do not seem to factor in strike calls less than 1 inch out of the zone to be a "missed call." Umpire Blunders does not discriminate. If it's out of the zone, it will appear here. As a result, information here might be consistent with other sources.

Pitcher Breakdown

This section breaks down pitchers for either team. It shows how many innings pitched, walks, strikeouts, hits, runs (and unearned), and the average pitches per batter. Additionally, it shows the breakdown of pitches, from balls, strikes, and "in play" (if they were hit into the field, even if they were out). Clicking the type will tell you the breakdown of each pitch type (e.g. Swinging Strike). There are two buttons on the bottom to view the inning breakdown and the result breakdown.

Player Breakdown

A breakdown of every batter is here. It shows their positions for the game, as well as their results. The typical color scheme is: red got the runner out, blue got the runner on base, green got the runner on base without a hit. Bold indicates the play is a scoring play, commonly referred to as an RBI. A strikeout, walk, or a normal single could all be scoring plays.

Team Page

The team page is a mini-hub for a team. It has the team information (division, league, sport, venue, and first year of play, if available and applicable), a chart indicating how far above or below the .500 line they are, some standings information (ranking, the x-run record, the team record, and split records), as well as the season's schedule, with an option to switch the season.


This section shows information regarding the team's ranking, as well as the x-run record. This shows a breakdown of every regular season game's record. Typically, only the "one run" record is discussed, but this shows all of them. The team record is similar, you can see the record against that specific opponent. It's sorted roughly by wins the amount of games, so it prefers more wins on top, then by how many games.

Next is the split records:

  • "Home" are home games.
  • "Away" are away games.
  • "Left" are games where a left-handed pitcher started.
  • "LeftHome and "LeftAway" are the above, but only for "home" and "away" games.
  • "Right" are games where a right-handed pitcher started.
  • "RightHome and "RightAway" are the above, but only for "home" and "away" games.
  • "LastTen" is the record of the last 10 games played.
  • "ExtraInning" is the record of games that went beyond the expected inning count, typically 9.
  • "OneRun" is the one-run record, and should match what "Run Record" shows.
  • "Winners" is currently unknown.
  • "Day" is the record of games that started during the day.
  • "Night" is the record of games that started at night.
  • "Grass" is the record of games played on natural grass.
  • "Turf" is the record of games played on artificial grass.

Team Affiliates

Clicking "View Affiliates" on a team page takes you to that team's affiliates. For major league teams, this shows all the minor league teams, plus the ACL/FCL (Arizona or Florida complex leagues, depending on where the team has spring training) team and the DSL (Dominican Summer League) team(s).

It is a partial mimic of the home page, with Today's Schedule for all affiliate games, homers for those games (only by affiliate teams) then a team breakdown, consisting of a condensed version of the team page. This has the record, streak, the team info, then recent and upcoming games.


The schedule shows all games for a specific day. Use the "Pick a Sport" dropdown to switch between MLB, minor league, or other sports.


The draft page shows every picked candidate broken down by round, as well as a team breakdown.

Every person has information showing a blurb, if available, the pick value (the value of the pick, that does not go against the team's pool of money), the signing bonus (how much the person actually got), the overall pick number, their primary position, who they were drafted by, the school they came from, and their hometown.

The team breakdowns show every pick by team. The overall pick number, their name, age, school, home town, primary position, pick value, and signing bonus.

Home Run Derby

The home run derby page shows a simple breakdown of the rounds and hits, as well as a summary of total homers and most homers by round.


The MLB page started on May 14th, 2022 during the 2022 season in a commit titled "Initial MLB shenanigans"[1]. From there, the site continued to develop.
