Chew-Mart Relationship
Mart, sometimes referred to his username of "mja00", is currently Chew's long-distance boyfriend, and her only romantic partner.
Initial Meeting
Their communications started back in May of 2020, where Chew eventually became a mod of the MCProHosting Discord server. On May 27th, 2020, MCProHosting was attacked by a hacker, resulting in the Discord server being lost. Once power was restored, a voice call was started for a QnA. Once it was over, Chew and Mart stayed after rebuilding the server to its initial pre-hacking state. On a whim, Mart mentioned he had "9 unused nitro boosts" to share, and Chew took him up on the offer. After this, they started messaging every day.
Co-Worker Relationship
Around September 2020, a support position was opened up at MCProHosting, and Chew was encouraged to apply by Mart and another co-worker. Eventually, Chew caved and decided to apply. And, with the help of them, she got the job. Chew was a ticket responder for about 7 months until she became a developer. She then made a testing server and invited Mart and a then-MCProHosting Discord mod to hang out. From there, they continued talking every day.
Start of Romantic Relationship
Around July 2021, Mart revealed he had a crush on Chew, for a little while. Chew would say she was "aromantic" and had no plans on dating him. However, they still talked every single day. Chew's attraction to Mart grew slowly over time. One night, while Mart and Chew were playing a game together, Chew accidentally blurted out "I love you!" to him. From there, it only took a little while until Mart finally asked her out on September 22nd, 2021, to which Chew replied "I mean If you legitimately think I'll be a good girlfriend, and you genuinely want to be with me, I will :3"
On August 2nd, 2022, Chew flew out to stay with Mart for a week and a half. It was the first time they met physically since they met 2 years prior. Afterwards, she visited again in April 2023, a day before his birthday, for about a month, then again in August 2023 for nearly the entire month. She visited again in December 2023. Chew has expressed how amazing it was to be with Mart physically, and it pains her to not be with him physically more.