RoomLocations is a SaaS developed primarily by Chew throughout 2019 and early-2020, with progress picking up in mid-2023. Its intended purpose is to allow students enter their ID and retrieve their testing room information, among other optional information. It is currently being used by a school district in her hometown. It is accessible at
Students are given a QR code generated by a room where they are taken to a form to enter their ID to find their room assignment and other optionally provided info.
Currently, all staff must be verified to create a location. They can also join a location via an invite. Once they are invited to or create a location, they are able to make "testing dates" where they can enter a Google Sheets link and edit information to tailor the page to the desired effect.
Location managers are able to customize their page as well, including changing the name, background color, and the blurb.
During her 11th grade year, Chew had the idea to develop a simple program to allow an ID to be entered to find a room after a 38-page PDF file was distributed to students with the expectation they would find their ID and then their room assignment for an upcoming test. After developing the site some more, she introduced it to some of her teachers, who encouraged her to show it to the school's testing coordinator.
After the initial meeting, the coordinator immediately approved and endorsed it and offered to assist. From there, the site developed and Chew was the assistant. The coordinator would make a Google Sheet document, which was fed into RoomLocations, and it worked from there. To this day, the program is still used by this school.