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ChewPack was a Minecraft mod-pack initially developed and created by Chew.

ChewPack 1.0

ChewPack 1.0 was the initial version of ChewPack. It was released as a beta to the Technic Platform.[1] It was to remain in beta until "a minimap [mod] is installed." Despite one being installed in its first update[2], it never left beta.

ChewPack 1.0 received 11 updates to Technic.[3] Most of these were bug-fixes.[4]

ChewPack 2.0

ChewPack 2.0 was supposed to be the next release of ChewPack. Several mods were confirmed to be added to the pack.[5][6] It was planned to be released on Technic, ATLauncher, and the Twitch Launcher once it left beta.[7] Much like 1.0, it never did.

Despite never being released on any platform, it was released as links to ZIPs on the official website's download page.[8]

ChewPack 3.0

ChewPack 3.0 was the 3rd iteration of ChewPack. It was not developed by Chew, instead being developed by RaineChan and released under the Chew name with permission from Chew.

At some point, it was removed from CurseForge. It was eventually re-released as "Raine's YAKSP (yet another kitchen sink pack) II" on the Technic Platform.[9]
