Rory & Lorelai Fanclub (Discord server)

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The Rory & Lorelai Fanclub (formerly "Rory Fanclub", originally "Chew's Official Discord Server") is a Discord server managed primarily by Chew and used by Rory and Lorelai fans as well as users of Chew's projects for praise and support, respectively. It was created on January 6th, 2016, and has seen many communities come and go and many periods of inactivity.


A lot of information about the Rory Fanclub Server is found on ChewHelp. There, you can view roles, ranks, and more.


The server contains many roles to distinguish users.

A majority of the roles are based around IRC user modes, specifically inspIRCd. Notably, the hoisted ones are Owner (+q), Admin (+a), Op (+o), Half-op (+h), and Voiced (+v).

This change was performed in the Chew's Inactivity Era, in which the roles were made to mimic IRC as that was Chew's main platform at the time.[1]

There are other numerous user-modes. These roles are documented on the Discord information site.


The server is home to numerous channels of discussion and information and is organized by category.

Information Category

The information category contains numerous read-only channels that give a brief rundown of the server or information about it.

Channels in the Information Category
Channel Name Brief Description
#information The main "summary" channel.
#news An announcement channel containing information about changes to or about the server.
#emoji A channel containing all of the server's emoji.
#app-list A channel describing all of the server's apps (bots).

Interaction Category

This category is utilized primarily for user to server interaction.

Channels in the "Interaction" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#polls A semi-inactive channel used for any general poll put on by Chew.
#starbored A channel to list starred messages, essentially democratic pins.
#feedback A channel for users to provide general feedback about the server.

Feeds Category

This category is utilized primarily for read-only feeds from other servers.

Channels in the "Feeds" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#new-videos A manual feed describing all of Chew's new videos.
#mojira-watch A feed from another Discord server that shows updates to Minecraft: Java.
#paper-builds A feed for builds of Paper and Paper's project Folia.
#discord A feed for Discord Developer's #announcements and #discord-api-announcements channels.
#minecraft A feed for Minecraft's news channels.

Chat Category

This category contains the main, miscellaneous channels.

Channels in the "Chat" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#discussions The general channel for any and all discussion.
#app-usage A channel for the usage of the numerous apps (bots).
#media A general-purpose media channel.
#birthday-wishes A channel only available on Chew's Birthday to wish her a happy birthday.

Server Games Category

The server is home to a handful of games. The most notable of which is the UwUing channel, but there is intended to be other games in the future.

Channels in the "Server Games" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#uwu A channel where only messages matching "uwu" are allowed.
#fishing A channel for using the Fishing bot.

Rory Simping Category

This category is essentially the heart of the server. All channels are related to Rory.

Channels in the "Rory Simping" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#rory-images A feed of new images to
#rory-updates The news channel dedicated to updates about or regarding Rory.
#rory-appreciation The general channel for discussions regarding Rory.
#rory-fan-art A channel solely for artwork relating to Rory. No off-topic discussion is permitted.
#chat-with-rory A channel to talk with an AI bot trained with some sample data to make it act as if it were Rory.
#rory-superfans A channel dedicated to boosters of the server (those with +b).
#rory-mc A private channel discussing the now defunct RoryMC server. It is available to join upon request.

Lorelai Simping Category

This category is dedicated to Lorelai.

Channels in the "Lorelai Simping" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#lorelai-images A channel for Lorelai pics
#lorelai-appreciation The general channel for discussions regarding Lorelai.

Chew's Projects Category

This category is for any of Chew's active projects.

Channels in the "Chew's Projects" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#chanserv A channel to discuss ChanServ.
#chesstools A channel to discuss ChessTools.
#chewbotcca A channel to discuss the Chewbotcca Discord Bot.
#chewpw A channel to discuss
#chewwiki A channel to discuss this wiki.

JDA-Chewtils Category

This category is exclusively for discussing JDA-Chewtils.

Channels in the "JDA-Chewtils" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#git-feed A channel for the git feed from the JDA-Chewtils GitHub repo.
#release-feed A news channel users may follow for updates to JDA-Chewtils.
#jda-chewtils The main channel to discuss JDA-Chewtils.

ChewMC (Plugins/Mods) Category

Much like the Chew's Projects Category, this channel is for discussing specifically projects under ChewMC.

Channels in the "ChewMC (Plugins/Mods" category
Channel Name Brief Description
#jsonrestapi A channel to discuss JSONRestAPI.
#transmuteit A channel to discuss TransmuteIt.

Additional Channels

There are two other categories that aren't quite as active. One is a category exclusively for the server's lone voice channel.

The final category, "Laugh at these fools" is reserved for audit logs and other moderation channels. These channels are intentionally public.

Archived Channels

The server has many archived channels for former projects.

Archived channels
Channel Name Brief Description
#general-discussions-voice A channel previously used for "General Discussions" but was removed once Discord added text-in-voice.
#communities A channel previously used to list all "Communities" on the server.
#minecraft-tools A channel used to discussed the sub-section Chew's Minecraft Tools on
#trbmb-gen A channel used to discuss TRBMB Phrase Generator.
#times-chew-forgot-dropdowns-crash-the-browser A channel that was made by Chew whenever her browser would crash after selecting a dropdown. This happened once in late-June of 2018 and again on early-November of 2021.
#chanserv-commands A channel used to list all ChanServ commands, which was deprecated in favor of both Slash Commands and the wiki page.
#trbmb-gen-bot A channel used to relay tweets from the @TRBMBPhraseGen twitter.
#dblruby A channel used to discuss DBLRuby. It was archived when the project was archived.
#ruby A channel used to discuss the Ruby programming language.
#node-javascript A channel used to discuss Node.JS.
#chews-secret-project A channel used to recruit people to help Chew with a project. The project, which was never revealed publicly, was Wyvern.
#giveaways A channel used for giveaways.
#dircord A channel to discuss DIRCord. It was archived when the project was archived.
#the-log-bois A channel used to log certain types of actions. This was deprecated in favor of #message-modifications.
#typo-kitty A channel used by Chew to put links to GitHub pull requests where she fixed typos.
#chews-twitter-feed A channel used for Chew's twitter feed.
#actual-literal-hell A channel used for people who were muted, which was replaced with #naughty.
#python-discordpy Part of a series of channels used to mimic the DiscordAPI server's channels. This one was for the Python Discord library
#js-discordjs Part of a series of channels used to mimic the DiscordAPI server's channels. This one was for the JavaScript Discord library discord.js.
#ruby-discordrb Part of a series of channels used to mimic the DiscordAPI server's channels. This one was for the Ruby Discord library discordrb.
#chewpack A channel used to discuss ChewPack. It was archived before ChewPack 3.0.
#nimsesvalue A channel used to discuss NimsesValue.
#chewores A channel to discuss ChewOres.
#edgy-memes An age-restricted channel for "edgy" memes but really ended up just being racist memes instead.
#mature-chatroom An age-restricted channel for "mature discussions," but ended up being people spamming NSFW commands of bots.
#wwdc-hype A channel used to discuss Apple's WWDC. It was only active in 2018.
#giveaway-winner-waiting-room A channel used after a user won a giveaway to change the server icon for the week. The icon was never changed. Both occupants of the channel are now deleted, making it impossible to decipher the history.
#user-modes A channel to discuss user-modes, which was moved to the website.
#chews-twitter-feed-old An older version of #chews-twitter-feed.
#mixer-feed A channel for Chew's Mixer feed when she used to stream.
#chew-space-astronomy A channel used for a group of people who played Chew's Space Astronomy modpack together.
#ascended In the early days of the server, there used to be an "Ascended" role and members with this role would be able to speak here. This was deprecated in favor of the IRC-style roles and exclusive channels.
#youtube-vids A channel to show all of Chew's YouTube videos. This was deprecated in favor of #new-videos.
#memes-for-days A predecessor to the current #memes channel.
#ti84-programs A channel to discuss Chew's Ti-84 Programs.
#mlb-gamefeed-bot A channel to discuss MLB Game Feed Bot


The #uwu channel is notorious amongst Rory Fanclub's members. Since its inception, it has been a gamified way to see who can uwu the most. Initially, the timer was 1 hour, but it went down to 15 minutes. However, it went down to 10 minutes on Christmas day 2021.

To help with gamification, there are /uwustats commands in ChanServ to show a graph of the UwUs, see the leaderboard, or your own stats.

April Fools

Every April Fools since 2018, excluding 2024, there has been an #april-fools-videos channel for people to dump their April Fools related videos into. However, some years had some special events:

Geyser Fanclub (April Fools 2021)

In a special partnership with GeyserMC's Discord server, Rory took over their server for the day, and, as a result, Geyser took over the Rory Fanclub.

Gilbert & Louis Fanclub (April Fools 2023)

For April Fools, Mart's cats, Louis and Gilbert, were the primary cats being celebrated in the fanclub. All instances of Rory became Louis and Lorelai became Gilbert.

Lorelay & Rorelai Fanclub (April Fools 2024)

For April Fools 2024, the server was renamed to Lorelai and Rorelai Fanclub, and a message was sent in #rory-updates stating "Rory's full name is Rorelai."


Chew's server has an extensive history, lasting almost as long as Discord itself, only being newer by about 7 months.

Modpack Era

Originally, the server was used as a server for ChewPack, Chew's Minecraft modpack for the Technic Platform. It was advertised originally in the Technic Launcher's official server, and this is where a bulk of the original users came from. Some still there to this day; however, it is very unlikely that any of these members will ever be active again.

GotPvP Era

In the middle of 2016 to early 2017, Chew was the Discord Admin of the now defunct GotPvP Discord server. A few of her friends came to her server; however, most have since left.

Chew's Inactivity Era

From early 2017 to mid-2018, Chew took a 13-month break from Discord. However, the server did not die. Friends who were still around still managed to keep up a conversation. Part-way through 2017, an IRC relay was set via discordIRCd from her IRC Client to Discord. This kept the server somewhat active, however, it was not as active as it could've been. Additionally, the roles were updated to match that of IRC roles (Owner, Admin, Ops, Half-ops, and Voiced, with extra permission roles simply being a plus and a letter).

Server Inactivity Era

From late 2018 to late 2020, the server was in a dormant state. Almost no messages got sent anywhere, and there were only about 90 total messages in 2019.

Rory Era

In late 2020, Chew started to make a name for herself in different Minecraft communities, using none other than her cat Rory. From here, the server transformed into a Rory haven, where people came to praise Rory for being a great cat.

Rory and Lorelai Era

After Lorelai was officially adopted in October 2022, she was officially added to the server name after a poll in February 2023. Since she was adopted, several channels were made for her under the "Lorelai Simping" channel.


  1. Deleted User [314402306735079425] (May 17, 2017) "update: You may have noticed new roles, good eyesight. I have based the roles on IRC roles (IRCd that support h-ops, admins, owners)" Rory & Lorelai Fanclub! :3. Retrieved January 18, 2025 - via Discord.

External links